Author of the masterfully written "Of Sheep and Battle Chicken" fanfiction and the AU surrounding it.Recommended by: KhaosKyuubi, RapidR3DR, Luppo564, Katkiller-V.Well-written action scenes, good characterizations, heart-warming and well-placed romances, plots twists and intense cliff-hangers to make you want more. She focuses on Femshep/Garrus but at the same time love to explore the "what if"s from all 3 games: what if Garrus decided to tag along in the Omega DLC, what if the clone managed to replace Shepard and fooled her crew in the Citadel DLC, how much affect Mindoir really had on Shepard and the likes.Not all are good, but many are excellent.

Runs the gamut from lampshading plot holes to creating moments of pure awesome. A thread consisting of people writing their own dialogue for Mass Effect.Considering my usual interests, preferences and avoidances when it comes to fanfiction, that speaks volumes of just how good Chi Kyoku's work is. The Garrus/Fem!Shep relationship is layered, develops slowly (in a good sense) and, above all, feels real. What we have here is a set of wonderful, well-written stories that approach their subject with subtlety and maturity. For this is not some immature horror show. and Chi Kyoku ended up being one of those people who are a shining example on why a book shouldn't be judged by its cover. Normally, that would be a big flashing sign for me to go read something else, avoiding this in a wide circle. Comments: Murus: These are distinctly relationship-oriented fics written by a high-schooler (at the time).EDIT: Dead Fic no more! Chi Kyoku is risen, and actively writing once again.Synopsis: A set of five loosely related stories, the last of which is unfortunately a dead fic.Section of Mass Effect Fanart and Fanfic from the Bioware Big Bang Challenge.Meta Skipper : A good thread for a good laugh.

Masked And Dangerous: As one of the writers on this thread, I can die happy now knowing something I contributed to got a recommendation on this site.In particular, their fusion of ME2 with Metal Gear Solid is incredibly well done.